By far this was the least enjoyable project I have ever done! The aim was to create a piece of communication to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Sonic the Hedgehog. I thought it would be great… the hours and hours me and my best mate spent in our youth battling Robotnik on the megadrive…he was our hero! Alas… Sonic and I are no longer friends…
So… concentrating on the very first Sonic, the most iconic… I decided on a set of postcards/direct mail, there would be 7 different ones, each representing a different zone. The image on the front would be a photograph of something from ‘our world’ and each postcard would have a set of stickers slipped inside… so the recipient could in effect create a sonic zone scene, thus bringing Sonic into our world. I also designed a website that people could then upload their finished scenes to and could then vote for their favourite.
This is an example of one… the front, the back, the stickers and how the finished card could look…
Some of the cards mocked up…
How the website to upload images would look…